$25.00 USD


Healing Love Blocks

A self love, healing and empowerment event for you to let go and surrender what is blocking you from receiving more love.

Have you been struggling to access and express your feminine energy?

This looks like:

- Feeling disconnected from your emotions: pushing down your feelings because you don't know how to safely express them

- Lacking trust in yourself, partners, friends: this makes it hard to trust your intuition 

- Lack of setting boundaries: always saying yes which makes it hard to communicate your wants and needs

- Struggling to be vulnerable: it feels like a weakness 

If you find yourself prioritizing work, efficiency, and achievement over self-care, sensuality, and emotional connections, then this event is for you!

You will receive 

  • Clarity for your healing path
  • Deeper understanding of yourself 
  • Freedom and connection with your mind, body and heart

The Process: Re-align with your feminine energy, connect with your emotions, and heal past traumas that may be blocking your capacity to love and be loved. 

You will gain clarity on what you truly desire in relationships, understand your worth, and cultivate your self-love.

  • Reiki Healing: energy healing to remove blocks in your heart
  • Self Expression: have a safe space to share vulnerable 
  • Deep Connection: to your heart feeling joy, love and hope! 

THIS IS A LIVE ZOOM EVENT: to attend you must commit to showing up LIVE.