Hosted by Mary McMonagle, Owner of True Vibe, Master Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Life Coach

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If your inner child needs looks like: 

  • Being afraid to say no
  • Not feeling safe to express your emotions  
  • Receiving attentions feels uncomfortable 
  • Being the quiet observer in the room 
  • Always tending to others needs over your own 
  • Others always count on you but you feel like you can't count on others
  • Feeling uncomfortable to express yourself creatively 
  • So independent you feel alone 

You are not alone!!!

Hey friend..I feel called to share a story with you.

This story is about a childhood wound that impacted my happiness, confidence and relationships in my life. 

Healing the inner child can be a challenge (I don't use the word hard). But I say a challenge because healing childhood wounds requires vulnerability, openness and a safe space to do so.

I am consistently working on healing my inner child around "not being good enough"

I was the youngest out of 4 kids with divorced parents. 

A VERY IMPORTANT tip to healing the inner child is understanding your parents did the best they could for you and your soul's purpose.

So back to the story...that being said my parents were very busy and I did not receive a lot of attention as a child.
(WHICH IS OKAY - it served a purpose).

This purpose was for me to heal this wound so I can help others too!

I am ready to help you heal you inner child!

Get ready to feel safe and most importantly

Love and Light - Mary McMonagle

Get Ready To: 

✧ To heal on a deep unconscious level 

✧ Feel safe to express more of who you are

✧ Allow your energy to light up a room

✧ Feel comfortable opening up and expressing emotions 

✧ Uncover energy blocks in your mind, body and heart 

✧ Let go of people pleasing tendencies 


Expanding Into Creativity 

Healing the inner child is about forgiveness, love and fun!

In this session we will:
- Let go 
- Open the heart
- Embrace who we are

 Details include:
- Coaching and support 
- 90 mins in a group setting
- Info on healing the inner child
- Guided meditation to connect with your inner child