Open your heart and receive love


If you are reading this.

You most likely are a giver. Because giving brings you so much joy.

Yet -it feels uncomfortable when others give to you because its hard for you to accept help and support.

 Because you are a go-getter and if you need to get something done - you can do it yourself! (hell yesssss)

However you crave being able to let go because deep down you know that will bring more peace into your life.

With more peace you know it will feel easier to be present in life.

And you already know by being more present in your life this will open you up in ways that you have been craving like connection with yourself, vulnerability and self expression with others. 

Which will help you get out of your head and tap into your intuition and open your heart.


My Story

 A letter to my past self:

I know you are strong - I see you taking all the groceries in on one trip

I know you are brave - I see you putting yourself out there online 

I know you are self-sufficient - I see you working hard and taking action towards your goals 

I know you can manage on your own BUT when you finally surrender…..and let go….you’ll receive the support you crave. Your heart will open and feel worthy as you are to receive unconditionally love 

But you’re stuck in your head because trusting and relying on others is fucking scary to you.

I saw you open your heart and share your true self and get rejected by family, friends and potential partners.

I see how “good enough” and “worthy” you already are. But you can’t see it yet because you’re too afraid to slow down and heal.

But the wounds that need healing don’t hurt.


These wounds actually will show you how to:

✨ Receive in abundant ways

✨ Let go of the need to be in control

✨ Trust your intuition and take aligned action

✨ Feel confident to express your emotions 

You are so close to the love you desire. So please slow down and heal. (Otherwise the Universe makes you with a brain injury)

Asking for support doesn’t make you weak or that you can’t do it alone.

Because you love doing things alone.

Asking for help is going to teach you to get outside your comfort zone which will bring you more in alignment with who you know you really are deep down. 

I can’t wait to watch you grow and show the world how powerful you are.

You will radiate from the INSIDE out!

Much love,

Present day Mary

To learn more about present day Mary and all her credentials

Click Here


The Shift: Masculine → Feminine 

Our program Let Let Love In is uniquely designed to help you understand yourself on a vibrational level. 

In order to let love in this is going to require you to explore and soften into your feminine energy. 

Unlike other programs you will learn how to work with both your masculine and feminine energy in life. You will understand when and where to harness your masculine energy or your feminine energy.


But in order to LET LOVE IN….it’s time to soften into your feminine energy and power

This looks like: masculine energy vs feminine energy (all humans have both!!!)

Masculine Energy →  Feminine Energy

Taking charge →  Allowing others to help you

Pushing down emotions in order to focus  →  expressing your emotions in the moment to feel free

Keeping busy and knowing all details → Going with the flow and trusting the process


Who this is not for:

This is not for you if you want a step by step plan to open up your heart. This is an intuitive experience to help you understand what FEELS GOOD FOR YOU

This is not for you if you are ONLY looking for a dating program. 

You will learn strategies for dating and how to shift into alignment to be the person you are ready to be so you can manifest love.

This program is designed for you to receive an INTERNAL SHIFT. 

Meaning healing wounds, doing shadow work and getting to the core of your soul.

Today's Intention:

If you made it this far……this page was designed to be simple. WHY…

Because this program is meant for you to start to tune into trusting yourself. 

This page is meant for you to begin connecting with your heart.

This page is designed for you to start listening to your intuition.

And…..feel into your body if LET LOVE IN is right for you.



Every application will receive a 1:1 call with Mary. On this call you will receive clarity and identify what is currently blocking you. On the call we will also discuss if Let Love In is aligned for you.

Apply Here

Application Only

- Not everyone's accepted into the program
- Must apply to see if it is a good fit
- Weekly group coaching and embodiment calls {Sundays, 1pm EST}
- Three step feminine embodiment process & program
- Community access with support and Q&A